Tips for Mentorships with First-Years in their first game
1) For first-time refs, Before the game discuss what you do before the game starts; hand shake with coaches, peg nets, get pucks.
1b) For first time refs, discuss the first faceoff...who does what and how does the ref in front of the box decide which way to go.
2) Encourage new or nervous refs to "just call a penalty if you see it...Don't hesitate...just do it. We can learn form bad calls.
3) How to manage the mentor's time on the ice (specific to on-ice mentorships): a) regularly switch between the refs rather than spending too long a time chunk with either one. B) after a while if it seems the officials are ready to try more without your help...back off and let them just do their thing... then go back in and give feedback after 5 minutes.
4) After the game try to give the two officials 2 main points each to think about, ask if they have questions, and think about how to prepare them for their first game without a mentor.
5) Also...remind them to review the half-ice rules for Novice that are found on the program info page.